Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Dwarf Mage

A fire-themed dwarf mage seemed pretty obvious, and I am nothing if not cliche -- but I at least want to put my own spin on it! So instead of using a straight up fiery set (e.g. the Firelord's Vestments (Heroic Recolor)), I came up with what you see here out of a few different sets. In addition to the fire themes, you get a lot of metals and jewels, making it look very royal and opulent. I think this is very appropriate for a race renowned for their earthen riches and treasures. This character would look absolutely perfect riding around on a Core Hound, which by itself really makes me wish I had this guy, since it's such an awesome mount that just doesn't fit any of my characters!

ShouldersFirehawk Mantle
BackCrimson Silk Cloak
ChestSanctified Bloodmage Robe
HandsSanctified Bloodmage Gloves
WaistEmbereye Belt
FeetPrideful Gladiator's Treads of Cruelty
Main HandCrystalfire Spellstaff
EnchantIllusion: Fiery Weapon
Off HandN/A
Check out the entire set on Wowhead!

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